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English translation for "power spectral density"


Related Translations:
spectral calculation:  光谱计算谱计算
spectral brightness:  光谱亮度
spectral radiometer:  光谱辐射计
spectral transmittance:  光谱渗透性光谱透射比光谱透射率光谱透射系数
spectral composition:  分光合成光谱组成
spectral irradiation:  频谱照射度
spectral buffer:  光谱缓冲剂
spectral phonoangiography:  光谱血管音描记术
spectral reflectance:  分光反射率光谱反射比光谱反射率光谱反射系数
spectral qualities:  光谱性质
Example Sentences:
1.Power spectral density analyzer
2.Analysis and control of power spectral density for impulse uwb communications system
3.Power spectral density
4.The paper analyses the signal processing with emphasis on signal to noise ratio ( snr ) in output of correlator and snr in signal power spectral density
并对算法处理中相关器输出中的信噪比( snr )和功率谱密度中的snr进行了重点分析。
5.The power spectral density of ship ' s motion is calculated based on ocean wave energy spectrum , and the movement spectrums of the ship ' s random motion are calculated and created
6.In this paper , ar power spectral density estimate by way of burg is provided in analysis and capturing the feature of adventitious respiratory sounds
7.In order to obtain these data , we must at first calculate apsds ( auto - power spectral density ) and cpsds ( cross - power spectral density ) of the three signals in the system
8.By computing the power spectral density and defining a measure parameter , we show that under certain temperature , action potential reach a maximum , which corresponding to the coherence resonance
9.By solving the stochastic differential equations describing the noise performance of the cmos gilbert mixer , the time - varying power spectral density of its output noise at high frequencies is given
10.The power spectral densities which existed in the form of power law are used to determine the parameters of the power spectral densities in the rational form . the computer simulation for the models is also carried out
Similar Words:
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